Moringa leaf benefits in skin care

If you are not yet familiar with Moringa Leaf, you will likely encounter it frequently in the near future. This ancient ingredient is rich in benefits and has been utilized for thousands of years. It is poised to become a dominant presence in the skin care market. Read on to gain further insight into the reasons why this ingredient is set to become a prominent feature in the skin care industry.


Moringa leaf is derived from the Moringa tree. Also known as the drumstick tree, this plant is most commonly found at the base of the Himalayas in India. However, Moringa trees also grow in Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, and scattered throughout the rest of the world. The tree is named for the distinctly long pods that it produces. The term “moringa” is derived from the Tamil word “mara,” which means “twisted pod.” This same fruit is responsible for the tree’s common name, “drumstick tree.” The pods are edible, as are almost all other parts of the tree, including the seeds, leaves, flowers, and oil. These various edible parts of the tree provide numerous benefits.

The seeds and pods are nutritionally dense, containing significant quantities of protein, vitamins A, B, C, and K, and other essential nutrients. This makes them a valuable dietary component, earning them the designation of “superfood.” They are frequently prepared in a manner similar to that of green beans and are utilized in a multitude of international dishes. The leaves are also edible and are used similarly to herbs or spinach as a garnish in soups or on sandwiches. The flowers and buds are soft and can be incorporated into a wide variety of recipes, both sweet and savoury.

The oil is also edible, although it is more widely known for its medicinal and cosmetic benefits. The use of Moringa Oil can be traced back thousands of years. For example, it is mentioned in Bhava Prakash, one of the texts of Ayurvedic medicine. The Romans used it as a perfume, and vases of it have been found in Egyptian tombs.

How are its leaves used?

As previously stated, the leaves are edible, but they can also be employed as a health and beauty supplement. The leaves are subsequently dried in the sun and then crushed, resulting in a bright green powder. Additionally, the seeds and roots can be transformed into an oil through cold-pressing. Both the leaves and the oil have been demonstrated to possess anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antimicrobial properties.


The bright green colour of moringa powder is aesthetically appealing, yet the benefits of this product are worthy of consideration. It is a rich source of nutrients and natural chemical compounds that can be employed to treat a wide variety of skin conditions and complaints, as well as to prevent the emergence of new issues. Even in ancient times, Moringa powder was known to have remarkable properties.

  • Reduces signs of premature aging

As individuals age, the production of collagen, a protein that maintains skin plumpness and youthfulness, slows down. Moringa, which contains vitamins C and K, helps to preserve and boost collagen, thereby reducing the appearance of premature signs of ageing and repairing damaged skin cells. Furthermore, Moringa has the capacity to neutralise free radicals, which is also a contributing factor to the reduction of collagen. It can be reasonably assumed that well-maintained hydration will also help to maintain a plump and youthful appearance of the skin.

  • Hydrates dry skin

Moringa powder is notable for its high omega content, which renders it an excellent moisturiser. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids regulate the skin’s natural oil production, thereby providing both short-term benefits and facilitating the restoration of the skin’s barrier and maintenance of natural hydration. The oil and power of the product are sufficiently light in consistency that even those prone to acne can apply it without concern for clogging the pores and the subsequent development of breakouts.

  • Relieves inflammation

Inflammation may be the result of environmental factors, the presence of a specific irritant or injury, or the presence of a chronic issue. When skin inflammation occurs, the skin is responding to stress by becoming swollen and red, and may also become itchy or painful. Vitamin E has the effect of slowing down the inflammatory response and calming the irritation, thus soothing the skin and restoring its natural appearance.

  • Boosts healing

Moringa oil and powder have been employed since antiquity for therapeutic purposes, with a particular focus on wound healing. The application of the antiseptic to minor lacerations resulted in accelerated healing. The same scientific principles are evident in Moringa’s ability to clear up acne quickly. By gently cleansing the affected areas and preventing further infection, the incidence of breakouts is significantly reduced when Moringa is applied.

  • Fights bacteria

In addition to its antiseptic properties, Moringa is also antibacterial. It is beneficial for the treatment of acne, but can also prevent its occurrence by maintaining the skin’s clarity and preventing the bacteria and irritants that cause acne from entering the skin. The process of detoxifying and purifying the skin has been demonstrated to have an anti-acne effect, and it also helps to reinforce the skin’s natural barrier.

  • Minimizes dark spots

Moringa also facilitates the turnover of skin cells, due to its high concentration of vitamin C. This vitamin is one of the most efficacious nutrients for the healing of the skin, and thus not only does it assist with the aforementioned issues, such as acne and inflammation, but it also evens skin tone by reducing the presence of discoloured skin cells that create hyperpigmentation, such as acne scars. As skin cells undergo turnover, those with excess melanin are replaced by normal cells, thereby creating a more even appearance.

  • Restores your skin’s natural oils

Moringa oil possesses emollient properties, which facilitate the softening of the skin. The composition of moringa is also similar to the oils naturally produced by the human body. This makes it not only a highly effective, non-greasy surface-level treatment, but also one which balances the production of natural oils. With prolonged use, Moringa restores and maintains the skin’s natural hydration.

  • Protects against pollution

As an antioxidant, Moringa prevents the damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are a consequence of environmental pollution and have the capacity to penetrate the deep layers of the epidermis, where they oxidise and break down collagen. This process is known to accelerate the appearance of signs of ageing. Antioxidants, such as those present in Moringa, neutralise free radicals, thereby protecting the layers of the epidermis and assisting the skin in defending itself against pollution. Moreover, Moringa has the capacity to heal the skin, thereby reversing any damage that may have already occurred.


Those seeking to integrate this “miracle ingredient” into their skincare regimen may wish to consider incorporating moringa and turmeric face masks into their routine. One may also prepare the formulation at home and employ it as a mask or a spot treatment. The process is straightforward and can be carried out in the kitchen. The following recipe provides a simple guide:

  • 1 tablespoon Moringa Powder
  • ½ tablespoon Turmeric Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Raw Honey
  • Rose Water or Lemon Juice

The ingredients should be combined in a suitable vessel, with the addition of rose water or lemon juice until the desired consistency is achieved. The application should be maintained for a period of 15 minutes. The procedure should then be concluded by rinsing the area and applying a moisturiser and sunscreen.

While it can be enjoyable to engage in do-it-yourself (DIY) activities, the advantages of Moringa are enhanced when combined with products that have been meticulously formulated to amplify the benefits. Skin care experts have developed treatments that utilise this ancient ingredient to enhance its benefits.


Having acquired a more comprehensive understanding of Moringa, one can now anticipate a more informed position as this ingredient gains traction within the skin care market. The recent surge in popularity is well-deserved. Moringa is not only beneficial when used in isolation, but when combined with other natural ingredients such as lychee fruit and tamarind seeds, it can yield remarkable outcomes.
